May: The Month of the Capsule Wardrobe

You know the feeling…you’re standing in your closet full of clothes and you realize you have nothing to wear. There are so many clothes, so many colors and yet you see nothing you want. Has this happened to you? I know it has! It happens to me almost weekly. And so, I’m going to try an experiment. A minimalist May capsule wardrobe! Read on to find out what that means, how I’m going to do it and the details if you want to join me!

May: The Month of the Capsule Wardrobe @ Semibalancedmama

What is a capsule wardrobe?
It’s a wardrobe that consists of a certain amount of clothing that you wear for a certain amount of time. Some people do capsules for a season or for a month. It’s something that has gotten popular recently in our world of excess. The world where you can walk into Target or Old Navy and buy a shirt for $7. A world where we buy clothes not because we need them but because they are a good deal, we have an event or we just need a retail therapy. These habits lead to an overflowing closet full of clothes that we don’t really like and we don’t really wear. The hope of a capsule is that you wear clothes you actually like and make you feel comfortable, successful, capable, sexy – whatever you need out of an outfit. Personally, I’m hoping that I can start planning my summer wardrobe. These past few weeks I've been grabbing cheap clothes here and there because the weather is getting sultry (Mere and I both live in super humid climates!). I want to plan instead of grab when I shop for summer or maybe I will realize that I already have everything I need in my black hole of a closet.
My Minimalist May
I have decided that I am going to attempt 15 pieces of clothing for the month. This includes clothes and shoes and accessories. It doesn’t include workout clothes (can I get an Amen for leggings!) and pajamas. I have to think about the month ahead and some of the events when planning my wardrobe. We are going to see a musical  for our date night this weekend (I’m still I shock my husband agreed), camping next weekend, a couple of girls nights and a few family friendly barbeques sprinkled in. I’m a stay at mom with three kids so my wardrobe is mainly comfortable, modest clothing that I can chase kids around in. Clothes that I don’t mind getting applesauce, bodily fluids (gross but true) and so many other fun things on. I’m just now realizing how easy laundry will be! I will have do it more often but folding 15 things will be a walk in the park. Maybe the whole family should join me…

May: The Month of the Capsule Wardrobe @ Semibalancedmama

Join me!
Want to try? Come on! May already started but I say its completely fine if you join me starting this weekend! Cinco de Mayo can be your last day of freedom and start your capsule on the 6th. I’ve already begun and will be showing you my outfits throughout the month but Minimalist May can start whenever! I’ve decided I’m allowed to switch items out if I need or want to meaning if I realize I am not wearing something then I can drop that (maybe even donate it) and replace it with something I might be missing. My plan is 2 pairs of earrings, one necklace, 3 pairs of shoes leaving me with 10 items of clothing. Wow! That’s not a lot…but come on, lets do this! Even Meredith has agreed to try out the Capsule Wardrobe, we will both be blogging our way through this experience all month. Minimalist May has a ring to it and we can  be Semibalanced Minimalist May Mamas!

A Little About Me!

Hi all, I'm Erin, Meredith's or how she is known on here The Semibalancedmama's older sister. I live in Texas with my husband and three kiddos. I love being outside, exploring parks with my family, reading and talking with my sisters! I stay at home which means I have my children best of times and worst of times all to myself. It's all about balance and here that makes sense, right? Like Meredith, I run and love to write so I'm so happy Meredith is letting me share some of that with you and I hope you will see more of me on here in the future! 

May: The Month of the Capsule Wardrobe @ Semibalancedmama

1 comment

  1. Woo hoo, Erin! Good luck with your capsule wardrobe month. You are one brave mama
