Meredith's Minimalist May Picks

I was slightly hesitant when my sister's post went live and it was all about embracing the capsule wardrobe for the month of May.  Minimalist May, we are calling it. I certainly do not have a TON of clothes but I fill a small closet nicely. Living in a country without a Target, Marshall's or even a store that sells pants in "American" sizes, really helps with the constant shopping trips and being pulled to the clearance rack but there is always online shopping. 

Capsule Wardrobe, Minimalist May @semibalancedmama

We got rid of A LOT when we moved to Japan back in October, 2016. It helped that I was also very large and very pregnant, so I didn't fit into a ton of stuff, which made purging it that much easier. Now that we have lived here almost two years, I have quickly found out that you have to keep purging in order to continue to fit comfortably in a smaller house. A good rule of thumb is that for every article of clothing that I buy, I get rid of two things that I no longer wear. It has worked well so far and honestly, it is not as hard as you think it would be. That being said, there is still quite a bit that I don't wear so I am hoping this challenge will weed out some more clothes.

My issue is not so much spending too much time deciding what to wear, but rather not getting "dressed" enough. School pickup and drop off is easier in workout clothes, soccer practice is more comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt. I don't mind the rude look I get from someone who asks if I just got done running and my response is "Nope, I'm just comfortable." To each their own. But, I can say that I find myself a bit more put together if I take the time to put on "real" clothes. And until you have lived in 150% humidity, coupled with 90°, you don't realize that polyester and spandex is less than ideal for hot climates.

15 items. Including shoes. All I gotta say is thank gosh for my birkenstocks, which I firmly believe can be dressed up for any outfit! I too have a few things going on this month that I need to plan for. MOPS is doing our annual Mother's Day Brunch so a nicer sundress for that and we have a few date nights planned throughout the month, including a day date. I have been trying to wear more dresses, since I find them super comfortable and I have way too many in my closet.  It is also getting HOT in Okinawa, so I have to include plenty of light cottons. I am going with two pairs of shorts,  one pair of cotton capris, four shirts, three dresses, one pair of causal wedges and my Birkenstocks. 

Capsule Wardrobe, Minimalist May @semibalancedmama

Capsule Wardrobe, Minimalist May @semibalancedmama

While picking out these items, I was able to donate over ten other items that I deemed unnecessary to keep. So, that felt super good! But, then I looked down at my very small pile of clothes and realized this is going to harder than I originally thought. Are you joining us for Minimalist May? I know it sounds crazy, but honestly I think it will be great way to kickstart the summer. Make sure to follow along our Instagram stories and pictures to see our daily outfits and how we styled them. 

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