Dear Cecilia,
My sweet, sweet girl. Your entry into this world was shadowed by the fact that we had just moved across the country and were adjusting to life in Japan but you still came into the world with a BIG bang. The doctor smiled and said to me, “Looks like you have a red head!” It gave me the last UMPH I needed during those 3 hours of pushing. A red head, how lucky we are!! You are also what they call a Christmas Baby and while we are already seeing some of the side effects of that, I think I will never tire of knowing that December will be filled with so much love because of you! Our few days in the hospital were some of my most favorite early memories. Your daddy decided to sleep at home with your bother so it was just you and me during those first few late nights. You would snuggle and nurse and you were just so content.
You latched like a pro and despite the normal wear and tear, our nursing relationship has always been so easy and so natural. Words can not really describe what it is like to nourish and provide for such a small and vulnurable human being. I knew you would be the last baby that I would nurse and the last baby that I would have all of those late night moments with. I tried not to think about it too much but I sit here today and am so grateful for that time we have shared. I have kept you full, I have kept you healthy and I have given you exactly what your little body needed to survive this world. But, you also did so much for me without even knowing it. You gave my confidence in what my body can do, you taught me to practice the art of just taking it all in and you also embraced my sometime very sweaty and very rushed nursing sessions while training for my big run. You did it all with a big smile. And while I am ready to stop nursing at any point, know that I am so happy we had that time together and know that I am truly amazed at what both my body and your body did to make this first year so fulfilling.

The love you have for your daddy makes me so happy. You are truly a daddy’s girl. Even with a 5 month intermission in there, you still prefer him to anyone. The joy this brings me is quite amazing. I love how you light up when he comes home from work or when you spot him walking across the room. I love that you snuggle up to him when you need some alone time and I especially love how you giggle at all of his silly ways. Your miniature under bite while you concentrate is inherited from your main man and we can't help but to laugh every time we see it. Never stop being a daddy’s girl, they are the best kind.

The love you have for your daddy makes me so happy. You are truly a daddy’s girl. Even with a 5 month intermission in there, you still prefer him to anyone. The joy this brings me is quite amazing. I love how you light up when he comes home from work or when you spot him walking across the room. I love that you snuggle up to him when you need some alone time and I especially love how you giggle at all of his silly ways. Your miniature under bite while you concentrate is inherited from your main man and we can't help but to laugh every time we see it. Never stop being a daddy’s girl, they are the best kind.

Your brother’s love for you is BIG. Transitioning from one to two was easy for our family because of your big brother. He couldn’t wait to meet you and to help us grab diapers for you. He also loved to give you big kisses, sometimes too big but was always so willing to be gentle with you after we reminded him that you were just a tiny baby. During your daddy’s deployment your brother was SO helpful. I look back on those five months and I know we survived because of him. Because of his love for you and me. Now, you love following him around, albeit much slower than him, you are always right behind him. I know you will have a special relationship growing up and that makes me so happy. The age gap was a bit scary for me, but I think that won’t stop you two from being close throughout life.

We are coming up on a fun time in your early years. You will start to see and experience something new daily. You are about to start to express yourself even more and maybe even start talking. A part of me is sad because we had such a good year, like seriously the best year ever. When I say you were a dream baby, you really were, for so many different reasons. But, I am excited to see you grow and see you experience all the new happenings around you. I am also excited to add to your passport, now that you have some more traveling under your belt. The world has not seen enough of Cecilia!
You are the most perfect addition to our family. You are the last addition to our family and I feel so content and happy saying that. You completed our little club and I can not thank you enough for that. Never stop seeing the joy in the world.
I love you my sweet Cecilia!
Happy 1st Birthday!
Your Mom
I love you my sweet Cecilia!
Happy 1st Birthday!
Your Mom

Favorite Food - Chicken and any type of beans.
New Skill - Walking!
Favorite Activity - Taking all of the cards out of mom’s phone holder or her wallet!
Sleeping - Eh ok, but on vacation it has been rough. Early riser for sure.
How Many Teeth - 8 (all within the last 3 months)
Favorite Book - God Gave Us You - MarbleSpark personalized book
Words - Mama and Dada and a specific noise when she points to brother.