These last few weeks I have been doing a lot of walking through my neighborhood and the trails that surround it. It has been pretty nostalgic and I find myself looking back over the past two years of running through these roads.

I never wanted to be a runner, I don't have the body to be a runner, I am not the fastest runner, but about 2 1/2 years ago I set out to run three times a week and little did I know it would start one of the biggest passions of my life. A passion I wasn't asking for but a passion and I definitely needed at the time. Motherhood was a hard transition for me, I am not the type of person that can be needed 24/7 by somebody else, I need my own time and I need my own goals. I had never not worked and all of a sudden, I found myself at home with a miniature human being who relied on me solely to thrive. I knew that being home with him was best for my family, but I needed to find something to throw myself into. I didn't start running to lose weight or to become a healthier person, I started running to become a better mother.
I know all the mile markers in this neighborhood. When I pass tthe 35 MPH sign know that I've gone 1 mile from my house, when I enter the trail I know that I have a short mile and a half until the end of it. On Mother's Day of last year, I ran one of my fastest 10K races with my best friend by my side, through this neighborhood! I set goals and I crushed those same goals, all in this neighborhood. When I was caught in a downpour, I went to visit the fire station for shelter and for a Ziploc bag to keep my phone dry. When I was out of water on a day that turned out to be a bit hotter than I expected, I stopped by Lisa and Jay's house so they could fill up my water bottle. This past New Year's eve, I went on a run with my sisters and we laughed and joked the whole way. Something that I never thought would happen! Imagine that, it is possible to run and talk at the same time! There were a lot of early morning and late night runs in the dark training for my Ragnar midnight run. And trust me a lot of jumps along the way. It all happened in this neighborhood, where Ryan and I bought our first house, welcomed our first baby, and found out that we would be moving to Japan.
Lots of stroller miles logged on these roads! |
Mother's Day 10k with Briana! |
While discovering my passion for running, I also finally realize that running is about so much more than the actual exercise. It's about meeting people that you have something in common with. It's about finding mom's that need someone to talk to you just like you do. And most importantly it's about showing yourself that you can do so much more than you ever thought possible. Who would have thought that I would be the type of person who looks for a running group to join in my new country, before my house was even packed? It is wild and I can not wait to get back into it.
Goodbyes can be sad. Especially when you have no idea if you will ever visit this area again. But, I can't wait to set new goals and crush them. I can't wait to meet new running friends, and call my friends back here and share the goals of overcome. I am so excited to look out at the ocean as I can run, what a difference from having to watch my step for snakes and cacti! There have been some tears on my walks, yes, but there have also been so many smiles and so many laughs thinking about everything that I did throughout the streets and the trails of Star Valley!
Thank you, Arizona for the memories!
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