#freezerlovefriday does grilling season - tangy apple maple chicken

I have had so much fun this month bringing you different marinades. I feel like I have so many more sitting around in my head, so who knows you may see some more variations in the future. I saved one of the best for lasts. This marinade is sweet and when you char the chicken, it makes it so much better. We used thighs for this recipe, but feel free to use whatever type of chicken you like. 

This pairs perfectly with my mac n' cheese (also freezer friendly) and some steamed broccoli! 

Tangy Apple Maple Chicken 
Yields: 4-6 Chicken Breasts/Thighs


1 cup Maple Syrup 
Juice of 1 lemon
3 tbsp apple cider
1 apple cored and peeled
½ t cinnamon
½ t dried thyme 


Mix all of the ingredients together. 
Trim excess fat off of the chicken breasts and place in a large baggie. 
Let sit in refrigerator for one day and freeze laying flat for up to 3 months!

Stay tuned for next month's #freezerlovefriday ingredient of the month! I got the inspiration from a meal that my mom cooked for me while we were home visiting family in Ohio. And trust me it is sure to delight everyone!!

Have a Happy Easter, and wonderful weekend with your family! 

Happy freezing, 

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mommy wants some "me" time

I LOVE being home with Luke. My family has made a lot of sacrifices so that we can live on one income. It's not easy, but that's the decision we made for our family. My husband drives a two door cavalier, we don't eat out too often, and we stick to our list every time we go to the grocery store. On the other side of things we live comfortably, in a beautiful home, and have everything we need. That being said there are days where I count down the minutes to the gym child watch opening or to when my husband walks in the door at the end of a workday. Does this make me a bad mom?

I don't think so! It makes me a sane mom. We can't expect to be the best version of us if we are expected to be at everyone else's beck and call 100% of the time. When I spend a few hours by myself, our days go smoother, I have more patience and I soak in the time that Luke and I have together. Luke is getting socialization, he is learning Spanish words, and playing with people OTHER than his mom, he loves the time he has there. Some days I even get a nice little steam and a shower without a little head peeking through the door!

We have decided not to do a pre-K until next year for him, for many reasons, but a main reason is because I am home with him. Paying for him to attend a program like that just isn't an option right now. There are so many tools and websites that show me activities to do with him, so I know he will be prepared. Some say, "what about the socialization?".  Of course, he is not getting as much as the kids who attend pre-school but I do my best with activities like library story time, park activities and play dates. He has his whole life to go to school, why not enjoy our time for a few more years. That being said, I understand people's reasons to send their kids. For us, it was the right decision not to. 

There is no right or wrong. I have no time to feel inadequate or guilty about something that I love doing, being a mom. When I tuck him in bed each night, I know he loved our day, even if it was one of the "hard" days. Your way is not wrong and my way is not always right, but guess what? We ARE making the best decisions for our families. 

Empower yourself and empower your right to decide. If you are a working mom (or dad for that matter) good for you!! Some days I envy your decision, but I never judge it. If you decided to be a SAHM, value your time and value your decision, it was a tough one! Just because you are a SAHM does not mean you need to be with your kid every moment of the day, think of the moments you were with them and be proud of those. Happily sign in him in to the child watch room, and know that you are amazing

Happy parenting, 

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#freezerlovefriday does grilling season - Chili Lime Chicken

I have come to love limes! I like them in my water, I sometimes like them in my margarita and I really like them in a chicken marinade. They add a zest and sweetness that is so distinct. 

I like to serve this chicken with a Spanish style dirty rice and steamed radishes and broccoli. Of course, this dinner would also be wonderful paired with a Corona or a DOS Equis, but hey that is just me!!

Chili Lime Chicken 
Yields 4-6 Chicken Breasts/Thighs


Juice of 5 limes
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp chili powder
¼ t onion powder
¼ t garlic powder
¼ t salt 
4 chicken breasts


Mix all of the ingredients together. 
Trim excess fat off of the chicken breasts and place in a large baggie. 
Let sit in refrigerator for one day and freeze laying flat for up to 3 months!

Happy grilling, 

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why I make my son pick up his toys

I get it. You're tired and you are in no mood to sing, "clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere.." why not just clean up later after your little goes to bed? 

This is what my son's playroom looks like after a long day of choo choo building and cookie making in his play kitchen. It is a wreck and there are toys everywhere!

Toys that we worked hard to get for him, or toys that our good family friends gifted him for Easter last year. Toys that his Nonnie and Grandma brought all the way from Ohio to watch him open. They are his possessions. Yes, they are plastic, but they are his. 

Remember, when you were searching for that perfect house. All you kept saying was "open floor concept, please!" Then you had kids and you realized, open floor concept means their toys will be all over that wonderful open floor. Ya, all of sudden you wish you had doors and ways to lock the the mess in. The play room is the first thing people see when they come over and quite frankly by the time I sit down at the end of the day, I don't want to see it. 

I also need some cleanliness to survive. And let's be honest, anything that makes me sane is good for everybody, especially the person who spends 24-7 with me! When I am in cleaning mode and deep cleaning the kitchen, he asks for his cleaner bottle and gets busy cleaning his tractor. Or when I whip out the sweeper, he gets his play Dyson and gets to work. He is learning so much, even the smallest things can teach him lessons. 

I feel that raising kids that know the importance of taking care of their stuff is vital in making sure they are respectful and appreciate everything they own. So, take the few minutes, listen to the whining and make it fun by singing Barney on repeat. Your future adult child will thank you for it one day.

Happy cleaning, 

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Blogging Ben the Bachelor - The FINAL rose!

The finale is finally here! I have mixed feelings about this season. Ben is swoon worthy, but honestly he has fallen in love a bit too much for live television. Is it possible to be in love with two people at once? It was also hard to stay away from the spoilers this year, simply because it was so damn predictable. My feelings for Chris Harrison, apparently, are not as strong as Shelby's, but he was looking dapper as ever last night during The Final Rose. 

They head back to Jamaica for some more sun and love. Do we really think Ben's mind is not made up? I am always so unconvinced at this point. How could you not know who you are more in love with? But, men are different. In the words of a guy friend we went out to dinner with recently, "You have 25 hot chicks wanting you and falling in love you, ya I love watching that show!" So, hey maybe men have fun with it up until the very end. 

Lauren shows up and meets Ben's parents. Ben's dad gets right down to it and ask Lauren the hard question. Lauren tells his mom that she sees the world differently because of Ben. Well, ya he has flown you all over to fall in love with him. I feel like that would help me see things differently too. She is confident in the fact that Ben is the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with and is ready to be a part of the Higgin's family. 

Jojo is up and she is there to tell his parent's that they were do busy "cuddling" to see the Hoover Dam. Awkward, but hey real life, am I right? She reassures his family that she is crazy about Ben and there is no one else that she would rather be with. Ben's mom basically says that her pick is Jojo and that she is pretty confident in that. But hey the powers of editing are an amazing thing, so not reading too much into that. I love that Ben's dad calls Lauren a great gal, how cute is that? 

Lauren loves her some denim shorts, doesn't she? They had off on a catamaran for their last date as boyfriend and girlfriend, potentially! Ben says he has a lot of unrest, due to loving two woman. Ben is worried that with Lauren things have not been tested and that things are too perfect with her. All valid issues, but you have been on like two dates with her, so honestly whats the worst that could happen? Back at the hotel, Lauren basically lays it all out for Ben and his response is not confident. Just once I think I would have loved for Lauren to be all out in love and do something crazy. 

Lordy, Ben really greats Jojo a lot differently than he greeted Lauren. They have a romantic date at the waterfall and Ben tells her that he has having a hard time. Back at Jojo's place she asks him what is holding him back, and he says that he has no doubts. Jojo is sneaky, man. Taking him into the bathroom floor and asking him to give her a sign. She might have forgotten that they both have mics on, but hey that is the fun of the show. 

Neil Lane comes out and asks Ben to tell him about "her". And he makes it obvious he has no idea what he is doing or who he is picking. Queue the clips of all the good times, Ben has super cute things to say about both women. He then says he knows who he picking. So, Neil is the one who actually helps Ben pick the winner of his heart. Thank you, diamonds!

Jojo steps out of the helicopter, and Ben has already made it pretty clear, to the audience, that he is not picking her because he loves someone else. She says that Ben has promised to not blind side her, Survivor style, and she hopes he doesn't do it today. BAM! Blindside, my heart goes out to her. But hey I feel like in their contract they are signing a line that says they are OK with having their heart broken on live television.

I feel like I need to do a bracket next year, because from the first post I said that Lauren was the winner. So, yay for me (and Ben and Lauren, obviously)! As cheesy as her Grey's Anatomy analogy was, it was so cute to watch. I am not going to lie, I shed a tear or few. It was cute and how could you not be happy for Ben? He is such a good guy and has been a decent Bachelor to watch!!

Photo Courtesy of buddytv.com 
It has been fun blogging The Bachelor. And I think Jojo will be an exciting season, filled with craziness from her brothers and more wine chugging from her mom. I am thinking of convincing Shelby to blog with me throughout the The Bachelorette, since you all LOVED her post. Isn't she great? Thank you to each and everyone of you who took the time to comment, like and share my Bachelor recaps. See you next season!! 

#freezerlovefriday does grilling season - lemon rosemary chicken

While I love BBQ sauce, I also like earthy tasting chicken. 
My Lemon Rosemary Chicken is one of my favorite marinades!  I will typically make this will a Long Grain and Wild Rice mix and serve it up with Asparagus or another root vegetable. I also like to save the leftovers to top my salads with for the week, it adds so much flavor you really don't need any salad dressing other than olive oil and maybe a little balsamic! 

Lemon Rosemary Chicken 
Yields 4-6 Chicken Breasts/Thighs
Juice of 3 lemons
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 sprig of rosemary
1 tbsp Italian seasoning
¼ garlic powder
½ tbsp sugar
4 chicken breasts or thighs


Mix all of the ingredients together.
Trim excess fat off of the chicken breasts and place in a large baggie.
Let sit in refrigerator for one day and freeze laying flat for up to 3 months!

Happy grilling, 

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Blogging Ben the Bachelor - WTA night and guest post!

I am out of town for my baby sister's wedding, so things are CRAZY. Knowing that I would be missing the WTA episode, I reached out to Shelby to see if she would guest post for me, and she said YES! Y'all I am so excited for today's Bachelor recap! Shelby is a friend that I met through one of my best friends (many, many years ago) and she is the funniest and most sincere person you will ever have the pleasure of knowing (or in this case, reading)! Thank you, Shelby for this guest post. Happy reading!


Every time I watch another installment of The Bachelor: Women Tell All (WTA), I can’t help but ask myself why I watch this show. Is it the romance? The drama? The strategic, less-than-flattering editing that creates that drama? For me, it’s probably Chris Harrison, but that’s another post for another day.

​The episode began with Chris Harrison (there are just some people who must be referred to by both their first and last names and Chris Harrison is one of them) and Ben hopping on a party bus to make “surprise” visits to Bachelor viewing parties. I want to believe these visits were staged, but I just can’t imagine throngs of women wanting to meet Ben in adult onesies for a Monday night pajama party. I’d love to know if these groups submitted information about their viewing parties for ABC to choose from, because they managed to score two key demographics by featuring an adorable baby in a Mrs. Higgins/#Hometowns appropriately sized baby onesie, and aneven more adorable Italian grandmother who said that Ben was too skinny and should be fed lasagna. The only thing missing was a small dog dressed up in Bachelor fan gear. Ben posed for selfies, Face-Timed a mom or two and passed out some roses, leaving me to one conclusion: I need to watch this show with more people, ideally in the greater Los Angeles area. (it might make me feel better about my devotion to it).

​Back in the studio, Chris Harrison tells us that this season, a record number of women told Ben they loved him. And we all know that if they appear on stage in this episode, none of that love was reciprocated. But these ladies are troopers, bouncing back from various stages of heartbreak to throw shade at each other and Ben one more time in front of a live TV audience. 

WTA episodes are great because they remind us of some of the contestants who were gone too soon from the show. Especially, Tiara, the “chicken enthusiast,” who begged the question “What comes first? The chicken or the ben?” While she may have been eliminated on night one, Tiara confidently returns in a white dress that I would not have been brave enough to wear with a bird sitting on my lap. In true Tiara form, she failed to speak during the episode, but the chicken got great airtime and is in the running for Bachelorette.

​The drama montage was a great Cliff’s Notes summary of the season so far. You can never have too many clips of womenogling Ben, Ben running shirtless through the grass or revising that awkward pheromone episode where they had to smell each other.

WTA gave us a great opportunity to check back in with Lace, who relying on words of wisdom from her own tattoo, sent herself packing pretty early in the season to go work on herself. She appeared in what can only be described as a figure skating dress borrowed from Nancy Kerrigan. It’s unclear what kind of work she put in, but apparently she is now more aware of the awful faces she made when judging the other contestants and tries not to use the word “crazy” as much. But hey, if the shoe fits… The highlight of the Chris Harrison-Lace sit down was without a doubt the guy from the audience who got a Lace tattoo. I could provide some in-depth analysis here, but just like Oprah, I’m a firm believer that you attract what you put out into the universe, so Lace, that guy may just be your soul mate. As if that wasn’t enough, Chris Harrison extended an invitation for Lace to appear on Bachelor in Paradise. I can’t think of a better fit for one of this season’s earlier villains than Bachelor in Paradise. I’m lobbying for the series to be subtitled: “Hooking up and being crazy in a beautiful vacation destination.”

​As always, it’s pure chaos when 26 of the 28 women who competed for Ben’s heart come together on stage. And true to form, there is always one contestant, barely memorable from the season who speaks up every chance she gets (and then some). That contestant was Jami, who decided to play the race card, when talk turned to Jubilee.

Speaking of Jubilee, I never quite knew what to make of her during the season. I just don’t think the chemistry was there with Ben (it happens), but she’s a pretty remarkable woman and Chris Harrison’s extended Q&A with her was bizarre. I think my close personal friend Amy Schumer said it best on Twitter:

So shout-out to Jubilee. Chris should have thanked her for her service before he began grilling her like a hot dog.

What I was most looking forward to during this episode was a chance to see if Olivia had gained any self-awareness from her time being marooned on that island during the 2-on-one date that led to her being sent home. The good news is Olivia did in fact make it off of the island, the bad news is, she’s still awful.

​How could we forget Olivia, the self-proclaimed frontrunner, who was given the first impression rose on night one? You know, the one who likes to “talk smart” because “intellectual things are just her jam.” She provided quite the memorable montage this season, from bullying Amanda with a cruel “teen mom” joke, to stealing Ben every chance she could. Olivia defended some of her actions by saying that she did a lot of what she did because “she was there for Ben.” Well, Olivia, if you hadn’t realized during filming, or from watching it air on ABC, so was everyone else.

Olivia justified a lot of her behavior (I think) by saying that she was bullied. I guess her defense mechanism was bullying everyone else in the house. It’s safe to say Olivia didn’t make too many friends this season and she definitely didn’t make a fan in me. For someone who claims to be a public figure (former news anchor?), Olivia’s lack of self-awareness led her to being the one that the women have to gather the courage to tell Ben isn’t the same with him as she is in the house, and we all know (with the exception of Leah’s bizarre attempt to throw Lauren under the bus), that just doesn’t fly in Bachelor Nation. I thought Olivia came off as less than sympathetic, but I am glad she made it off that island.

​Of all the women up there, Caila seemed the most genuinely distraught by Ben sending her home. But man, her hair looked flawless. It was almost painful to watch Caila watch Ben send her home. I’m glad Caila embraced her “Sex Panther” nickname, and from what I’ve read in all the classiest gossip rags, it appears she may be on her way to being the first-ever Sex Panther, northeast Ohioan Bachelorette. Anyone, but Olivia or Becca (am I right, Mere?!)

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but this season, Ben told the two finalists that he loved them. This was unprecedented and a hot topic on the WTA stage. When Ben finally came out to greet all the ladies he sent packing, I expected more shade. But what we learned was that Becca felt lucky that men like Ben exist. I would too considering Chris Soules was the most boring bachelor in history. Ben’s ability to identify which twin was which impressed even the unflappable Chris Harrison, who admitted he had trouble all along.

​For trudging through the interviews we were gifted with a bloopers package that made it all worthwhile. Nobody runs from bugs like Bachelor contestants.

​While I would have spent the majority of the reunion talking about that group date where they swam with pigs (still not over that), all in all, it was a classic WTA ep. I think Ben has managed to keep it real as the Bachelor, and according to him he’s ready to get married ASAP…hopefully to JoJo because I picked her to go all the way (pun fully intended) in my Bachelor Fantasy League.

​Seeing as I’m neither semi-balanced, nor a mama, it was a thrill to be asked to guest blog this week’s episode. I’m looking forward to Meredith’s regularly scheduled post following what promises to be (or at least has been advertised as) the most dramatic final rose ceremony in Bachelor history. If you need me, I’ll be reading books and talking smart.


why I miss diapers...

First of all I hate saying potty training! I am a firm believer that you can't really "train" a toddler. When they are ready, they are ready. I didn't do any method, we didn't have any accidents and we certainly were not cleaning up feces from any floors. One day, my nearly 3 year old just decided it was his time. Sure, he was a bit late to the game, but whatever, I was not going to rush him. He maybe wanted to be like his big cousin or maybe he just felt that Mickey Mouse undies were cooler than Luvs diapers. Life changed, and all of a sudden I was missing diapers! Crazy, I know and here's some reasons why.

1. Germs
I am not a crazy germ person, but public bathrooms are nasty. I immediately taught Luke the difference between public and home, and trust me he now understands that in public you touch NOTHING!

2. Poop Obsession
Every time we are out and about, I get asked if I am going pee or poop. And he wants the answer to be well articulated and loud enough for the entire bathroom to hear. 

3. Immediate Resolution
Quick grocery store trips? Nope, not anymore. I swear every time we go in he needs to go to the bathroom. Which means lugging my purse and a 3 year old into the germ oasis that is the grocery store bathroom. No more, wait till we get home and I will change you, days. 

4. Night Sessions
Luke is a good sleeper, he always has been. But now he promptly wakes up and lets us know its time to use the bathroom, by standing quietly by our bed. Someone mentioned trying the dream pee, well we tried and Luke was not happy to be woken up. He was downright mad (funny how that works, eh kid). So, for now we are waking up to a toddler staring at us in bed. 

5. No more wrestle matches
Towards the end, getting Luke to lay down for a diaper change was a struggle. I miss the giggles, the chases and the kicks. I know, weird right? 

My baby is now this huge 3 year old that goes to the bathroom on his own, picks out his own outfit and has full blown conversations with people. When did this happen? I miss the days of him needing me 100% of the time, something I never thought I would say. So enjoy it while it lasts. Because one day soon your little one will be walking into the germ infested public restroom and announcing, loudly, that they have poop. 

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#freezerlovefriday does grilling season - pineapple bbq chicken

Can you believe it is MARCH? This year has flown by. With warmer temperature comes my favorite time of the year, grilling season! We use a charcoal grill, mainly because we prefer the earthy taste it delivers. In Arizona you can pretty much grill any time of year, but there is something about the evening hours in the spring time. It makes you want to sit outside, watch your husband grill, your kid play and sip on a nice glass of Chardonnay! 

I am here to tell you that you can freeze marinated chicken. Now you may be wondering what the benefit of freezing the marinated chicken is, since it doesn't take too long to throw together a few ingredients. The longer the chicken has to marinate, the more the flavor will soak in. Also, it is super easy to know that you have 3-4 bags of marinated chicken in your freezer, ready to go for the next time you feel like grilling! I will typically buy two large chicken breast packets at Costco and make 2 of each of my favorite marinades. This month I will give you 4 marinades, which means you could potentially have 8 meals in your freezer!! 

Pineapple BBQ Marinade
Yields 4-6 Chicken Breasts/Thighs


½ cup pineapple juice
1 cup sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce
¼cup brown sugar
3 slices of pineapple cut up
½ tsp of garlic powder
½ tap of onion powder
4 chicken breast or 4 chicken thighs


Mix all of the ingredients together. 
Trim excess fat off of the chicken breasts and place in a large baggie. 
Let sit in refrigerator for one day and freeze laying flat for up to 3 months!

Laying it flat to freeze will save on room
and ensure the marinade fully covers the chicken! 

Happy grilling, 

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Blogging Ben the Bachelor - Week 9

 My watch party consisted of myself and Luke, we had a wild time and ate all the Animal Crackers that our bellies could handle. His pick for the night is Caila, let's see if he is right...

The night is here, overnights on the Bachelor. As awkward as spending the night with someone on national television would be, imagine sleeping in your hotel room the next two nights, knowing that he is spending the night with two other women. Insert the weirdness. Ben heads to Jamaica and starts the show with speaking about each of the women and what he likes and dislikes about his relationship with each one. Shut the front door, Jojo was the unicorn girl? Why did I not remember this? 

Caila is first up on the overnight dates. Would you want to go first or last? I think I would rather go last, make sure he remembers the night! They are going on a rafting trip down the river, which has potential of going all sorts of wrong. The boat ride is crazy awkward, and Caila says she is feeling anxious due to the other women being there. I can't help but feel like this may be a game changer, his main concern with her is that she may not be able to deal with the bad stuff and this is proving that. 

Caila and Ben riding down the river

Caila saves the day by telling Ben that she loves him and that she has been waiting to tell him that. I love Caila's confidence in Ben and the fact that she has given him no grief this season. One day the Bachelor's will figure out that the girls who are the least high maintenance are the best ones to pick. Caila wakes up and totally has the, "I got out of bed a hour ago to get ready look," going on, but she seems happy and ready to get married. She is OK with Ben not saying, I love you back, because she can tell by his face that he loves her. 

Next up is Lauren and as the season favorite, we have to think that this will go well. They start the date by releasing baby turtles and speaking from experience this is such a fun idea. Good for Ben, his date planner producer is really going for it this season. Cute date, horrible shorts, but cute date! 

releasing turtles in Jamaica

What's Jamaica without a little Reggae music? Blah, blah more about how scared she is about telling Ben how she feels. This is bizarre to me, honestly, just tell him. She says pretty much everything else, but I love you. She has every excuse including that it's terrifying, it makes her vulnerable and a whole slew of other things. The key arrives and off they go to the fantasy suite. After much lead up, she tells him she loves him. And not so surprisingly, Ben tells her that he has known he has loved her for a long time. 

Next up is Jojo. He starts the date by saying that if he doesn't know he loves her by the end of the day, he will say goodbye to her. They head to a waterfall, where Jojo says that she loves him and Ben tells her that he loves her too. Her immediate reaction was, "are you allowed to say that?" Which hey I would be worried to, it makes sense. 

The date goes on and it seems like Jojo has had to explain her brother's behavior before, because she does really well explaining away their crazy. She doesn't address her mom's love for wine, but hey we have all been there before. They escape to the fantasy suite for no doubt a night filled with romance. 

Ben tells the world no less than 25 times that is in love with two woman, and he is not sure what to do. Caila is not one of them, which is funny because right at that moment she is headed to surprise Ben at his house. She is literally jumping around the house with joy, looking for Ben, this can not end well. 

 Ben turns out to be the good guy and he decides to let her go, right there on the beach. Caila decides she does not have a future in facial expression reading and leaves immediately. Tomorrow, when Luke wakes up I will tell him that he does not have a future in picking who the Bachelor chooses. It's a dramatic exit, with a Caila jumping out of the care, demanding answers. She also leaves crying and saying that she can't understand why she hasn't found love. Well, good thing she is young and she has her whole 20's to find a partner (I might have stalked her on Instagram last night and found out she graduated college 93 weeks ago)! 

An extremely awkward Rose Ceremony follows this dramatic exit. And while the scenery is breathtaking, the looks during the toast could call. Both girls are in love, move out of the way...

Fantasy Suites Rose Ceremony

Ok, truth, this season has been somewhat boring. I have heard it from a few people. I am not sure if it is Ben or the girls. I am leaning towards the girls, they are a fairly boring bunch. I had high hopes for this season, thanks to the wonderful ways of editing and showing just enough for us to watch the next week. 

I am so excited to tell you all that my friend, Shelby, will be guest blogging next week! She is hilarious, so make sure you read and laugh along after the Girls Tell All! 

Happy watching, 

Did you see my last post, featuring Lily and Thomas? Don't forget that I have a giveaway going on Head over to my Instagram, for all the details on how you could win an amazing cardigan from Lily and Thomas!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.